Family Enrichment Center


About Us

The Family Enrichment Center, Inc. (FEC) is a private, faith-based, not-for-profit child-placing agency founded by the College Hill Church of God in Christ in 1992. Over the years, the agency has had a considerable impact on the lives of economically disadvantaged and minority families who may otherwise feel threatened by larger public agencies. Initially created in response to a critical shortage of African American foster homes, the Family Enrichment Center provides the community with a family-centered, friendly, compassionate, neighborhood-based alternative to public and traditional social services.

As the only licensed minority-owned and operated child-placing agency in the southeastern United States, FEC provides care for approximately 250-350 children on a monthly basis. Through public-private partnerships, the agency has been able to maximize the utilization of limited resources, while maintaining high levels of professionalism and quality services.

An important mission of the agency is to be as responsive as possible to vulnerable children and families to ensure parents have the support they need to help provide their children with the quality of life they deserve. This is done through a variety of family-centered programs that address such critical issues as:

  • Finding both substitute and permanent homes for children who have been removed from their families because of abuse and/or neglect
  • Provision of services to children and families affected by HIV/AIDS
  • Prevention of the breakdown of the family through early intervention and support